Dīwān Imam Al-Shāfiʽi: English Translation

The Dīwān of Imam Shafi’i by Afis Abayomi Adigun is a  popular compilation of poems of Imam Shafi’i, which were uttered during his teaching sessions and some were answers to questions in poetic manner, all of which were primarily transmitted and recorded by his students in different books.  Afterwards, all were gathered in a book

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Thriving Together: Strategies for Overcoming Polygyny Trials

Thriving Together: Strategies for Overcoming Polygyny Trials by Majeedah Ashimi Idris (popularly known as Umm Summay Mai). The book, “Thriving Together” emerges as a timely and indispensable resource for the Muslim Ummah. The author fearlessly delves into the complexities of polygyny in this enlightening book. Drawing from her experiences in a polygynous marriage, ‘Majeedah Ashimi

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(PDF) Learn Tajweed: Simplify Your Quran Journey

Al-Imaam Muhammad Ibn Jazarī benefitted us from his book (the Muqaddimah) that learning the Tajweed is necessary because reciting the book of Allāh without proper knowledge and application of rulings of Tajweed is considered sinful. Hence, this “LEARN TAJWEED; SIMPLIFY YOUR QUR”AN JOURNEY by Omobolaji Naeemah Fashina ” is a detailed book that is well-researched from

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